
TypeScript indexed access types

January 03, 2022 • ☕️ 1 min read

Today I came across the following situation:

  • I had an array of strings
  • I wanted to generate a type which is composed of all of the string literals in that array
  • I wanted to specify a function parameter to use said type so that TypeScript errors when we try to pass something that isn’t one of those strings in the array

To provide a simple example, this is our array:

const things = ['apple', 'strawberry', 'banana'];

I already knew how to generate the type of 'apple' | 'strawberry' | 'banana' - we can use as const:

const things = ['apple', 'strawberry', 'banana'] as const;

// type of things is: readonly ["apple", "banana", "strawberry"]

However, if we have a function that takes one of these things, we need to do more to enforce that we can only pass one of the things in:

const things = ['apple', 'strawberry', 'banana'] as const;

function doSomething(thing) {
  // how do we type our thing?

doSomething('apple'); // works
doSomething('rock'); // works, but we want it to fail

We can’t simply type thing as typeof things because that will mean that we’re expecting an entire array that contains every single thing.

After a bit of Googling I found indexed access types. To copy the definition of what an indexed access type actually does:

We can use an indexed access type to look up a specific property on another type

Meaning we can use this to get the type of the elements within our array. When we combine this with typeof, we get a rock solid type:

const things = ['apple', 'strawberry', 'banana'] as const;

function doSomething(thing: typeof things[number]) {
  // do something

doSomething('apple'); // works!
doSomething('rock'); // fails!

This is super handy and I suspect it won’t be long before I encounter another use case where I’ll be able to use this again.

The (not so witty) ramblings of an Australian developer.
Written by Dave Cooper